Pistachio paste
Pistachio paste

The pistachio flour needs to have the same consistency as the almond flour does. Remember to process the nuts just enough not to form a paste. You will use 1/4 cup of pistachio flour in the recipe for the shells and another 1/4 cup for the Pistachio Cream Cheese Filling. Once you’ve processed it, sift this mixture to obtain the dry powdered pistachio flour. However, you have to be extremely careful not to over process the mixture, otherwise the pistachio starts to turn into a paste, as you grind it out and it releases oils. Pistachio Flour- To make the pistachio flour, you want to grind about 1 cup of pistachios in the food processor.

pistachio paste

Also watch the video to watch me make the flour! I give more instructions bellow with the recipe. You will obtain a pistachio flour that’s very similar in consistency to the almond flour. And then, place the big pieces that got left out in the food processor, and pulse again to grind them up a bit more. It will be very lumpy still, which is ok. Be careful, don’t process to the point that it will start to release oils, and form a paste. Pulse a few times until the pistachio starts to become ground.

pistachio paste

Place one cup of pistachios in a small food processor. Very important that they are dry roasted, and not roasted with any oils. This is a pistachio macaron recipe without pistachio paste. Ok, so first thing, some people make their pistachio macaron shells with pistachio paste. Let’s talk about these Pistachio Macarons.

Pistachio paste